The Board of Directors is responsible for governing the Technical Safety and Standards Authority (TSSA). Its role in overseeing the organization is set out in the Board Charter. The Charter also contains information about the Board’s mandates, accountability and composition.
The Board Chair is accountable to the Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement for effectively carrying out the corporation's mandate.
The TSSA Board of Directors consists of seven elected directors and six directors appointed by the Minister. No more than four directors may have work experience in TSSA's regulated sectors. Elected directors may serve a maximum of five consecutive two-year terms, and terms expire in rotation so that some directors are elected every year. In the case of an elected director appointed as Board Chair, the director may serve an additional two-year term.
The Board’s Nominating Committee broadly seeks nominations of qualified individuals and may use an external search firm to assist in director recruitment. In nominating individuals for election, the committee seeks to ensure that the board has a mix of skills, experience and diversity to provide appropriate leadership and strategic direction to TSSA. Members of the Board of Directors are remunerated in a manner that enables the organization to attract high caliber directors to support the organization's commitment to corporate governance excellence, while remaining accountable to all stakeholders through transparent compensation practices that are fiscally prudent.
All directors on the TSSA board are independent. Separate individuals hold the positions of Board Chair and President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The board recognizes the importance of ethical conduct and follows a Code of Conduct for Directors. All regular board and committee meetings include an in-camera session without management present.
The Board of Directors has the following Standing Committees that help the Board fulfill its oversight responsibilities: