Leave of Absence from a TSSA-Regulated Industry

Under certain circumstances, you can apply for a leave of absence from a Technical Safety and Standards Authority (TSSA)-certified field.

A certificate holder must renew their certification before it expires in order to perform any work that requires a certificate under the Technical Safety and Standards Act, 2000 and associated regulations.

Under certain circumstances, a certificate holder may apply for a leave of absence (pdf) within your field.

Without this leave of absence, a former certificate holder must requalify to become recertified.

Leave of Absence Policy for Certificate Holders 

TSSA certificate holders are eligible for a leave of absence of up to two years for medical, parental, or military duty. 

Any leave that extends beyond two years will require full re-qualification and the certificate holder must go through a reinstatement process as outlined in the applicable reinstatement policy for the corresponding TSSA-regulated industry. 

To be eligible for a leave of absence and a fee waiver, you must complete a Leave of Absence Notification Form (pdf) to inform TSSA about your plan to take medical, parental, or military service leave.

During your leave of absence, you will not be issued a certificate. You must not perform work requiring the certificate during the leave period. 

TSSA’s database will reflect your leave of absence should inspection staff or the public inquire about your status as a certificate holder.

Upon your return to work either at the scheduled end of your leave of absence or before, you must complete the following renewal process:

  • Email TSSA examinationandcertification@tssa.org before you do any work that requires a certificate

  • Pay the full certification fee

  • Complete any appropriate prerequisites, such as continuing education