
TSSA is committed to providing services that are accessible to people with disabilities in accordance with Ontario's regulation on accessibility.

TSSA is committed to providing services that are accessible to people with disabilities in accordance with the provincial Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA)-Accessibility Standard For Customer Service: Regulation 429/07.

TSSA will strive to ensure the provision of customer service in a way that reflects the following core principles as outlined in the AODA.

  • Dignity:  Services are provided in a manner that is respectful to persons with a disability and does not diminish the person's importance.

  • Independence: Accommodating a person's disability means respecting their right to do for themselves and allowing them to choose the way they wish to receive goods and services.

  • Integration: Persons with disabilities can access all goods and services. This may require alternative formats and flexible approaches. It means inclusiveness and full participation which is a fundamental human right; and

  • Equal Opportunity: Service is provided to persons with disabilities in a way that their opportunity to access goods and services is equal to that given to others.


Feedback Process

As part of TSSA's commitment to provide excellent and accessible customer service, TSSA welcomes the opportunity to receive and respond to customer feedback.  Persons who would like to provide feedback on the way TSSA provides services to persons with disabilities may do so by contacting TSSA in the following ways: 


Requests for Accessible Formats

If you would like copies of material in an accessible format, contact TSSA as noted above. 

TSSA's Customer Service Accessibility Policy

Multi-Year Accessibility Plan