Compliance Standards - Conveyors

Compliance standards for above-surface passenger ropeways are lists of high-risk non-compliances that pose a significant risk to safety. Any high-risk non-compliance should be immediately addressed upon occurrence.

These compliance standards are used by Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) inspectors during periodic inspections. If a non-compliance is found, a device may be shut down or an order issued to resolve the non-compliance within 14 days. Other non-compliances that do not pose the same level of risk should be addressed in accordance with the timeline documented in the inspector's report. 

For more information, visit:

Compliance Standards / High-Risk Items for Conveyors

The components listed below are high-risk items that must be inspected regularly to ensure public safety. During periodic inspections, TSSA inspectors will be checking these items and orders will be issued for non-compliance.

Note: In some circumstances, orders may be issued where high-risk safety hazards are discovered which are not identified in this standard.

 SHUT DOWN  - If an item is deficient and an order is issued for immediate compliance (0 days for the compliance time):

  • Remove the device from service and

  • Repair before putting it back into service

A repair can be done immediately during the maintenance unless it is a reportable incident according to the Incident Reporting Guidelines. Even if it is a reportable incident, a TSSA Supervisor or Investigator can authorize an immediate repair

 REPAIR / REPLACE - If the item is deficient and an order is issued for compliance within a 14-day time period:

  • Fix as required


IssueCompliance Order
If licence has expired. REPAIR / REPLACE 

 Machine Space/Control Room

IssueCompliance Order
If the machine/control room lighting is not adequate or working. SHUT DOWN 


IssueCompliance Order
If any electrical protective devices are not operative (jumpers including fuses). SHUT DOWN 
If the stop buttons at the attendant and operator stations, entrances to electrical control spaces, drive system spaces, 
tensioning system spaces, are not operative.
If the overspeed device is not operative. SHUT DOWN 

Automatic Stopping Device Located at Belt Transition Area

IssueCompliance Order

If the maximum stopping distance is more than 25% of the circumference of the drive drum.

If the opening of the belt transition is more then 85 millimetres. SHUT DOWN 
If obstructions are present within 1.5 times the maximum stopping distance. SHUT DOWN 

If the automatic stopping device located at the unloading area does not manually reset.

If the automatic stopping devices is not activated after 10 millimetres of movement. SHUT DOWN 
If the belt entry switch is not operative. SHUT DOWN 

If Automatic Stopping Device Has Less Than 75 Millimetres of Movement

IssueCompliance Order
If the maximum stopping distance is more then 75% of the movement of the stopping device. SHUT DOWN 

Automatic Stopping Device Located Downhill of Belt Transition Area

IssueCompliance Order

If the stopping device is not operative.

If the stopping device does not extend the full width of the belt surface. SHUT DOWN 
 If the stopping device is not of the current carrying type. SHUT DOWN 

If the stopping device is located more than 100 millimetres above the belt surface.

If the stopping device can be avoided. SHUT DOWN 
If the stopping device vertical supports are located less than 300 millimetres from both edges of the belt. SHUT DOWN 

Anti-Rollback Device

IssueCompliance Order

If the anti-rollback (one-way bearing) is not free moving or is not operative.



IssueCompliance Order

If the communication systems are not operative at the unloading and loading area.


Conveyor Path

IssueCompliance Order
If the rigid skirting is not in place along the full length of the conveyor. SHUT DOWN 
If the skirting does not extend immediately below the level of the walking surface for 1,000 millimetres or to within 150 millimetres of ground level. REPAIR / REPLACE 


IssueCompliance Order
If trees or shrubs are closer than two metres horizontally and three metres vertically from the belt surface. SHUT DOWN 
If the horizontal clearance between each exposed edge of the belt and any obstruction for the full length of the belt between the loading and unloading zones is less then 300 millimetres. SHUT DOWN 

Line Equipment

IssueCompliance Order
If the external belt guides are not continuous, with their joints and ends of sections designed, fitted, and secured so as not to create any pinching or catching hazards. REPAIR / REPLACE 

If the conveyor belts splices are not in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.



IssueCompliance Order
If the line equipment is not cleared of ice and snow before operation. REPAIR / REPLACE 

If the operating controls are located in such a manner that attendants cannot remain clear of the moving equipment.