Register a Design

TSSA reviews submissions for new or altered passenger ropeways and conveyors (ski lifts) designs to ensure compliance with Ontario safety standards.

Design Registration Overview

The Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) reviews and registers new or altered passenger ropeways and conveyors (ski lifts) designs.

Before submissions for a new or altered passenger ropeway and conveyor (ski lift) can be registered, the submission is subject to an engineering review to ensure compliance with Ontario safety standards as specified in, 

Design registration applications for passenger ropeways and conveyors (ski lifts) as defined in the regulation must be submitted by a Professional Engineer (PEng) on behalf of a registered contractor.

Mandatory Documents for Engineering Applications — Elevating & Amusement Devices, Ski Lifts

To enhance the efficiency of processing design registrations for Elevating & Amusement Devices and Ski Lifts (EDAD Ski), design registrations submitted after February 1, 2025, without mandatory documents will not be processed.

Submitting mandatory documents along with the application is critical to ensure the timely processing of design registrations. Please ensure that mandatory documents are complete. See the mandatory documents below: 

 Ski New; Ski Major; Ski Minor A; Ski Revision

-    Signed Ski application form, including Stamped Document Transmittal (list of documents in their transmittal should match the documents provided in general) and Specification Sheet.
-    Supporting documents listed in the Document Transmittal

Aging Ski

In accordance with Director's Order 224/07-r2 and/or its latest revisions, Passenger ropeway and conveyor (ski lift) owners must conduct periodic reviews of above surface lifts once they reach a certain age or hours of usage according to the Aging Ski Lifts - Periodic Engineering Review and Assessment Schedule (pdf). 

To request a review and assessment, complete and submit the:
-     Signed application form, including Stamped document transmittal (list of documents in their transmittal should match the documents provided in general)


A variance from regulations and adopted safety standards may be reviewed for consideration, but it is not guaranteed to be granted.
Variances allow designers flexibility to use designs that do not strictly comply with current regulations but include other methods to ensure equivalent amusement device safety.

Variance application

Submit your Design  - Prepayment Form and Web Portal 

All applications and submissions are required to have a prepayment. Assemble the application and design submission package prior to completing the steps below.  

Complete the appropriate Ski Request for Services prepayment form: 

Important notes on Electronic Submissions

In order to submit your application electronically, all the documents that form part of the package must be readily viewable in Adobe Acrobat Reader (.pdf).  

Send completed electronic submissions via the TSSA Prepayment Portal.

For documents with large file sizes, contact and provide your reference number and prepayment receipt.

Submit and Pay by Credit Card:  

Log in to the  TSSA Service Prepayment Portal  and follow the instructions: 

  • Select the applicable Prepayment form number from the dropdown box: SKI-001 or SKI-002 

  • On the Documents Section - Upload the prepayment form 

  • On the Supporting Documents Section - Upload the assembled design submission and any other supporting documents.  

Submit and Pay by Cheque, Bank Draft, or Money Order: 

  • Mail payment along with a completed prepayment form to: 

    Attention: Accounts Receivable 
    Technical Standards and Safety Authority    
    345 Carlingview Drive    
    Toronto, Ontario M9W6N9 

  • Send an email to with: 

    - A copy of the completed prepayment form 

    - Proof of payment (photocopy of the cheque, bank draft, or money order) 

    - The assembled design submission and any other supporting documents  

Registration processing and priority requests 

TSSA reviews design registration submissions on a first come, first-served basis.    

When it is necessary to facilitate unforeseen circumstances, TSSA can review submissions on a priority basis. Priority services do not guarantee a specific delivery date, but they do advance the requested submission in the queue for scheduling as the work queue permits.  

Priority service is charged at a premium rate. Refer to the fee schedule for rate details.