Owners and licensees of elevators in residential buildings and long-term care homes are required to report elevator outages lasting more than 48 hours to the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) within 30 days from the day the elevator is returned to service.
Data on elevator outages are used for public reporting purposes and to inform and shape future regulatory decisions on elevator safety and availability in Ontario.
Use the Residential Elevator Availability Portal to:
For more information about elevator availability, check out the infographic on reporting out-of-service elevators or read our frequently asked questions for:
There are almost 20,000 passenger elevators across more than 10,000 residential and institutional buildings in Ontario. As the existing stock of elevators age and the province continues to experience rapid growth in the construction of buildings (including high-rise condominiums), stakeholders across Ontario have raised a variety of issues related to the availability of elevators, according to former Justice Douglas Cunningham's recommendations in his 2018 report on elevator availability.
To look at how these regulatory changes can help ensure that elevators are well maintained and meet safety requirements, the Ontario government conducted consultations from July 2 to August 4, 2020 and sought input on the proposed regulatory changes under the Technical Standards and Safety Act, 2000. Please refer to the Auditor General of Ontario's recommendations on improving elevator safety for more information.