A Compliance Standard is a list of high-risk non-compliances that, if identified during a periodic inspection, TSSA will issue orders for resolution and follow-up to confirm compliance. In some cases, the non-compliance may require immediate resolution or will result in a shutdown.
TSSA will notify licence holders of an upcoming periodic inspection that will include a link to the Compliance Standard. These non-compliances should be resolved before TSSA conducts the facility’s periodic inspection.
The following is a list of high-risk non-compliances in the Compliance Standard for propane facilities:
1. The facility must be licensed.
2. The facility must be operated in accordance with its Risk and Safety Management Plan (RSMP).
3. Employees must hold a valid Record of Training (ROT) to transfer products.
4. Employees must be trained in the facility’s emergency procedures.
5. Facilities must have operational and maintenance procedure manuals.
6. An inspection must be conducted by the fuel supplier in the past 12 months.
7. Tanks and cylinders must be protected from vehicular impact.
8. The area around the tanks and cylinders must be clear of readily ignitable materials (such dry grass, weeds, paper, cardboard and firewood).
9. Access must be provided for firefighting personnel.
10. The emergency electrical shut-off switch must be clearly identified, readily accessible and operational.
11. Hoses must be in good condition.
12. Equipment at the facility must be approved.
13. Liquid piping must be installed with hydrostatic relief valve(s) between shut-off valve(s).
14. Hydrostatic relief valve(s) must discharge away from the tank or cylinder.
15. The NBIC inspection on the tank must be conducted every 10 years.
16. Pressure relief valves must be inspected every 5 years.
17. Relief valve(s) must be protected with loose-fitting cap(s).
18. The facility must be equipped with an emergency shut-off valve and/or a back-check valve.
19. Tanks must have an excess flow valve or a back-check valve.
20. Tanks must be equipped with liquid level gauges.
21. Tank relief vents must extend vertically upwards, unobstructed to the outdoors with no impingement on any other tank.
22. Portable storage at the facility must not exceed the allowed capacity of the RSMP.
23. Container filling locations with container storage must meet these required clearances: 10ft (3 m) from a tank, 25ft (7.5 m) from a property line, and 25ft (7.5 m) from any source of ignition.
24. Cylinders must be stored in an upright position.
25. Required fencing must meet code requirements.
26. Relief valve(s), gauging device(s), bypass line(s) and filler valve(s) must be located inside the cabinet when the doors are closed.
27. The internal safety valve must be in a closed position when the cabinet door is closed.
28. Vehicle dispenser hose(s) must be equipped with breakaway couplings.