Liquid Fuels Compliance Standard

Compliance standard is used by Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) inspectors during periodic inspections of liquid fuels facilities.

A Compliance Standard is a list of high-risk non-compliances that, if identified during a periodic inspection, TSSA will issue orders for resolution and follow-up to confirm compliance. In some cases, the non-compliance may require immediate resolution or will result in a shutdown.

TSSA will notify licence holders of an upcoming periodic inspection that will include a link to the Compliance Standard. These non-compliances should be resolved before TSSA conducts the facility’s periodic inspection. 

The following is a list of high-risk non-compliances in the Compliance Standard for liquid fuels facilities:

1.    The facility must be licensed.  
2.    Any modification to the facility requires approval.  
3.    Employees must be trained in emergency procedures.  
4.    Copies of the inventory control must be made available.  
5.    Annual shear-valve and leak-detection system tests and maintenance records must be available.  
6.    The dispenser sump leak detector interlocks must be operational.  
7.    Copies of the current precision leak tests must be available.  
8.    Current corrosion protection reports for the underground storage tank system(s) must be available.  
9.    The cathodic protection test report must indicate a passing result.  
10.    Equipment must be approved and installed according to the code and manufacturer's instructions and be appropriate for the intended use.  
11.    The product must be dispensed or vented at least 3 metres from any ignition source.  
12.    All applicable stage 1 vapour recovery equipment must be installed, operated and maintained.  
13.    Dispenser hose(s) must be equipped with approved emergency breakaway device(s).  
14.    Dispenser(s) sumps must be leak-tight.  
15.    Any loss of liquid or gain of water in the tank(s) not attributed to condensation must be investigated.  
16.    Video monitoring images must be adequately sized and clear enough to allow the attendant to read a vehicle’s licence plate held by a person in the fueling area.  
17.    A manual leak detection system(s) must comply with the Liquid Fuels Handling Code.