To ensure the safety of elevating devices in Ontario, the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) performs:
Initial inspections for new elevating device installations.
Inspections of major and minor alterations to elevating devices.
Periodic inspections for existing elevating devices.
Before a new elevating device is licensed for operation, TSSA must perform an initial inspection to ensure that the device conforms to its design registration submission and is safe for use by the public.
Ensure you have your registered design submission before proceeding. For instructions on how to register a new installation, visit our design registration page.
If applicable based on device the type, complete the appropriate pre-inspection checklist
Once the new installation design has been approved by TSSA and installation is complete, the registered contractor or owner must complete the appropriate Pre-Inspection Checklist.
2024 Pre-Inspection Checklist: Passenger and Freight Elevator (pdf)
2024 Pre-Inspection Checklist: Lifts for Barrier Free Access (pdf)
Before you request an inspection, if there have been any changes to your ownership information or device ownership, visit our Change of Ownership webpage for more information.
If there are any changes to your account information, please visit our Update your Information webpage.
To request an inspection, email or call 1-833-937-8772 (1-833-WFP-TSSA). Inspection scheduling agents are available from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday.
Please provide the following information when requesting an inspection:
Billing name, address, and address for the inspection.
Contact name, email, and telephone number.
Name of the TSSA inspector who has conducted prior inspections at inspection site, If applicable.
Any special safety training required to access the inspection site.
The registered contractor or owner must submit a Pre-Inspection Checklist, as noted above, to a minimum of two business days prior to the scheduled inspection date.
Include one of the following Examination forms.
Failure to do so will result in the cancellation of the inspection.
Alterations to elevating devices covered in the CSA B44-Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators and CSA B355-Platform Lifts and Stair Lifts for Barrier-Free Access are classified as either Major, Minor A or Minor B alterations.
To determine the classification and requirements of an alteration, refer to the following documents:
B44 Devices
B355 Devices
Elevating Devices that have undergone a Major Alteration shall not be returned to service until a TSSA inspection is completed and passed.
Elevating devices that have undergone Minor A or Minor B alterations are permitted to be returned to service after work completion,
however, the contractor who completed the alteration shall ensure that a “special inspection” has been requested within 60 days after returning the elevator to service. The contractor shall arrange and conduct any tests required by the inspector. A registered design submission or notification shall be available at the time of inspection
Ensure you have your registered design submission before proceeding.
For instructions on how to register an Alteration, visit our design registration page.
TSSA uses a risk model for to determine the frequency of elevating device periodic inspections. Periodic inspections are scheduled automatically by TSSA. For more information, read our Frequently Asked Questions About Inspections.
Before you request an inspection, if there have been any changes to your ownership information or device ownership, visit our Change of Ownership webpage. If there are any changes to your account information, please visit our Update Your Information webpage.
To request an inspection, email or call 1-833-937-8772 (1-833-WFP-TSSA). Inspection scheduling agents are available from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday.
Please provide the following information when requesting an inspection:
Billing name, address, and address for the inspection.
Contact name, email, and telephone number.
Name of the TSSA inspector who has conducted prior inspections at inspection site, If applicable.
Any special safety training required to access the inspection site.
For more information, read our Frequently Asked Questions About Inspections.
To reschedule an inspection, email or call 1-833-937-8772 (or 1-833-WFP-TSSA). Inspection scheduling agents are available from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday.
A minimum of 24 hours of notice is required when rescheduling a pre-booked inspection.
Inspectors seek to ensure the safety of elevating devices. If a hazard exists, TSSA inspectors will evaluate the amount of risk it poses to the public and issue compliance orders to the owners and/or licence holders of the device.
In extremely hazardous situations, inspectors have the authority to remove the elevating device from operation.
If you have questions disagree about an inspector’s order, follow the Inspection Order Resolution Protocol (pdf) to have your concerns reviewed.
In accordance with the Technical Standards and Safety Act, any person affected by an inspector's order can submit an appeal within 90 days of receiving the order. Visit our Appeals page for information about appealing an order.