Whistleblowing Service

If you suspect unethical, inappropriate or unlawful behaviour from a TSSA employee, report it anonymously to a third-party whistle blowing service.

If you suspect unethical, inappropriate, or unlawful behaviour from an employee of the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA), you can communicate anonymously to a third-party whistle blowing service. 

At TSSA, our goal is to ensure that all staff observe the highest standard of ethics when conducting their duties and responsibilities. 

All persons at TSSA are bound by the company's Code of Conduct Policy and must comply with all applicable laws and regulations. TSSA employees shall fulfil their roles with honesty and integrity. 

Anonymous whistle-blower service

If you have something to say, no matter whether you yourself are a TSSA employee, you are or work for a regulated party, or you are member of the public, we want to hear from you. Speak up anonymously by calling 1-866-921-6714 or emailing  

Or visit the website at www.integritycounts.ca/org/tssa