TSSA Launches New Strategic Plan


Category: TSSA News

Apr 12, 2023


Working Together for a Safer Ontario Today and Tomorrow

April 12, 2023 - The Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) today released its 2024-2028 Strategic Plan, with a renewed purpose to enhance safety in Ontario through engagement, evidence, enforcement and education. 

Developed with input from a diverse group of stakeholders and key partners, the new Strategic Plan provides an overview of the priorities TSSA has established for the next five years and outlines what success will look like as the organization meets its future goals. Employee and stakeholder insights also helped to inform a redefined vision, purpose and set of values to guide TSSA’s strategy and actions. 

The new Strategic Plan is a framework to guide decision making and keep the organization on course towards its overarching goals as it defines annual plans and objectives. Steered by the new Strategic Plan, TSSA’s efforts will focus on four key themes: 

  • Rewarding, Purpose-Driven Work – A place where employees feel valued and engaged in meaning work
  • Outcome-Based Regulator – Finishing the transformation to an Outcome-Based Regulator
  • Future Ready – Embracing new fields of safety work
  • Ease of Doing Business – Customers and employees to work together seamlessly 

These strategic themes represent four mutually reinforcing streams of activities that will collectively create ONE TSSA – a unified and collaborative organization that is among the most progressive and modern regulators in Canada. 

Over the next five years, TSSA is going to advance technical safety oversight in Ontario, building on the solid foundation put in place to date. The organization is committed to continuing the changes underway and fully becoming an Outcome-Based Regulator. Having built up great momentum, TSSA is primed to take digitization and harmonization to the next level.  

“TSSA has made tremendous achievements in the past few years with the implementation of a new business model which allows us to put a greater focus on harm reduction strategies and a new comprehensive IT business solution that provides us with trustworthy data and digital solutions to better serve our customers,” said Bonnie Rose, President and CEO, TSSA. “As our Outcome-Based Regulator journey continues, our focus for the next five years is to continue to use data and risk analysis to make Ontario safer for everyone.” 

TSSA’s new Strategic Plan goes into effect on May 1, 2023, the start of TSSA’s fiscal year 2024. Explore the new plan and its reinforcing elements on the TSSA website.