Propane Cylinder Exchanges Compliance

Propane cylinder storage must comply with Ontario Regulation 211/01 (Propane Storage and Handling).

Propane cylinder storage must comply with Ontario Regulation 211/01 (Propane Storage and Handling). Your safe practices are essential to maintaining the safety of your customers, staff and facility. 

Please use the following checklist to ensure propane cylinder storage safety and compliance:

  • Use no more than 4 metal cabinets. Each cabinet must contain no more than 500 lbs of propane (No more than 25-20 lb cylinders, whether full or empty).
  • Store propane at least 1 metre (3 feet) from any building opening, such as doors or windows.
  • Store propane at least 8 metres (25 feet) from sensitive facilities such as schools, hospitals, etc.
  • Ensure your propane license is valid.
  • Post emergency contact information near/on the propane cabinet.
  • Ensure cabinets are well-ventilated and locked.
  • Post “No Smoking” and “No Ignition” signs near/on the propane cabinet.
  • Store propane at least 6 metres (20 feet) from gasoline/diesel dispensers.
  • Do not use electrical equipment within 1.5 metres (5 feet) of the cabinet.

Consider using a sign or sticker to reinforce the following messages: 
1. Cages should only be accessed by authorized personnel.  
2. Do not let customers bring cylinders into a building. 
3. Provide instructions for cylinder transport. In particular, instruct customers that cylinders must be transported in a secured manner and kept upright in  
a ventilated space. 

If you have any questions, please contact TSSA at 1-877-682-TSSA (8772).