Boiler & Pressure Vessel Insurers

Per Ontario Regulation 220/01: Boilers and Pressure Vessels, the insurance company providing boiler and machinery insurance for boiler and pressure vessel (BPV) devices is responsible for inspecting and uploading a Record of Inspection (ROI) to TSSA for the devices it insures. 

For boilers or pressure vessels that are not insured, TSSA inspects the device and issues the Certificate of Inspection (COI) as required by Ontario Regulation 220/01: Boilers and Pressure Vessels

Insurers to Report Specific Violations Found During Inspections

Insurers are required to report specific violations through TSSA’s Boilers and Pressure Vessels Certificate of Inspection (BPV COI) Portal for Insurers beginning April 14, 2025. High-risk violations must be resolved by device owners before a Certificate of Inspection can be issued.

This initiative is part of TSSA’s transition to an outcome-based regulatory approach, ensuring the collection of high-quality, consistent and complete data on high-risk non-compliances and incidents.

Currently, compliance data from insurance inspectors is not systematically tracked or analyzed. This new process will enable TSSA to receive, track, and analyze data on high-risk devices that could pose an elevated public safety risk. The collected data will help:

• Improve safety performance tracking
• Identify and understand risk trends and emerging issues
• Strengthen public safety outcomes

Stay tuned for details.

The BPV ROI/COI Portal  

The BPV ROI/COI Portal for Insurers is an automated platform for insurers and their authorized inspection agencies (AIA) who perform periodic inspections of regulated, insured devices. 

Using this portal, insurers can:

  • Submit a Record of Inspection (ROI) using a unique identification number (UID) for the device, which owners will review and approve 

  • Review and download information about the device 

  • Update status of insurance coverage (when an insurer cancels the coverage of a device, the device owner will receive an email that their device is no longer insured)

  • Update inspection agency representation

To obtain a unique identification number (UID) for inspected devices, or update the technical information of an existing device, complete the appropriate Request for UID form and email it to

Upon receipt, TSSA will review and determine if an installation inspection is required in order to issue the UID. 

Periodic inspections are required for the life of the device and at intervals outlined in TSSA’s Amendments to the 2001 Boilers and Pressure Vessels Code Adoption Document. A BPV device must pass a periodic inspection before its COI can be renewed. 

After a BPV device has passed a periodic inspection, the insurer will submit an ROI to the BPV COI Portal for Insurers. Insurers must upload the ROI to the portal within 30 days after a periodic inspection.  

TSSA will notify owners or operators that the ROI has been uploaded so they can log into the BPV COI Portal for Owners to approve the ROI and pay for the COI.

Reporting Unacceptable Conditions or Failed Inspection   

As per Ontario Regulation 220/01: Boilers and Pressure Vessels, s.11, any unacceptable condition found upon inspection shall be reported to the Statutory Director by email to

Resources on BPV COI Portal for Insurers

Questions about the BPV COI Portal for Insurers can be directed to the following: