The Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) carries out inspections and licensing for new or existing:
Gas stations
Bulk plants
Hydrogen, compressed natural gas (CNG) or propane fueling stations
Tanker trucks that transport, distribute or dispense gasoline-related products, hydrogen, compressed natural gas or propane
Propane dispensing facilities, propane cylinder exchange sites and propane used in vehicles
New facilities are inspected before they are licensed. Existing facilities are inspected periodically according to a risk-based model.
TSSA’s Fuels Inspection Team also:
Investigates incidents or reports of non-compliance at these facilities, provides fuels approvals, and registers and audits contractors
Ensures that equipment and appliances associated with the transportation, usage, and handling of oil and gas comply with Ontario’s laws.
New equipment must be approved to a recognized standard by a testing agency. A Field Approval (pdf) from TSSA is required for equipment that has not been certified. Registered contractors must perform all work on fuel equipment at licensed sites.
TSSA also periodically performs inspections of repaired equipment and its associated piping to ensure that the equipment remains in compliance with the initial approval and is operating within current codes and standards.
TSSA orders appropriate corrective actions when a device or equipment is found to be non-compliant. Orders to shut down a device or facility until compliance is met may also be issued. The person responsible for the non-compliance will be invoiced for the cost of this inspection.
If an incident such as a fire, explosion, carbon monoxide poisoning, fuel leak or spill occurs, the incident must be reported to TSSA’s Fuels Safety Division immediately. TSSA will then conduct an investigation.
Tampering with the scene, except to save property or ensure safety, is not permitted. Learn more about reporting an incident.
To schedule an inspection, complete the Inspection Request Form (pdf) and email it to Or call TSSA toll-free number at 1-833-937-8772 from Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. excluding public holidays.
Have the following information ready:
Work order number.
Type of inspection required.
Preferred inspection date and time (subject to availability).
Customer name.
Primary business address and/or billing address.
Inspection site address and contact information.
Whether the inspection site is on Federal or Reserve Land.
Inspection scheduling agents will respond to calls during regular business hours in the sequence in which calls are received. A response to emailed inspection requests can be expected within one business day.
Inspections are scheduled based on the time of the request, priority level and inspector availability. Requested inspection dates must be at least five business days in advance from the date the form is submitted to ensure availability.
A minimum of 24 hours of notice is needed to reschedule an inspection. Please contact an agent at or 1-833-937-8772.
For changes to mailing or contact information, please send the updated details and your account number to
Note: To reduce inefficiencies and regulatory costs resulting from short-notice cancellation on inspection, TSSA has introduced an Inspection Appointment Cancellation Fee. This fee applies to cancellations made with two business days' or less notice, as well as to scheduled inspections that cannot be completed because customer is not ready. For more details, read Inspection Appointment Cancellation Fee.
Contractors in Ontario are subject to audits conducted by TSSA. TSSA inspectors are authorized to carry out inspections and determine if the Technical Standards and Safety Act and any applicable regulations are being complied.
Contractor audits reinforce contractor responsibilities and ensure an understanding of safety obligations and compliance with applicable legislation, regulation, codes, and procedures. During an audit, contractors will have the opportunity to ask a TSSA inspector questions about compliance obligations.
TSSA conducts two types of contractor audits: the Heating Contractor Audit Program and the Petroleum Contractor Audit Program. Both programs are developed to ensure that contractors understand and comply with applicable safety regulations, codes and procedures in Ontario. For details, please visit the Heating Contractor Audit Program or the Petroleum Contractor Audit Program.
For sites on Federal Property, or where Federally regulated activity is taking place, please contact to establish or renew a contract with TSSA. Once contract has been established, please submit the relevant inspection request form to
For sites on Reserve or Indigenous Lands. Written consent from the Chief of the Reserve or Indigenous Land permitting TSSA to inspect must be obtained before inspection services can be provided. Once you have written consent, please submit the relevant inspection request form to
TSSA’s inspection scheduling agents will also schedule engineering requests for Field Approval and variances requiring an inspector.
Customers who have obtained engineering approval will receive an email asking them to schedule an inspection through TSSA’s Inspection Scheduling Team.
TSSA offers, on a case-by-case basis, expedited engineering services. Processing time is not guaranteed and is reliant upon the completeness and quality of the submission. To request expedited engineering services, please indicate this on your application form and select 'Expedited' when submitting via the Portal.