Webinar on Submitting BPV Engineering Applications

Industry: Boilers and Pressure Vessels

Category: Event

Jun 27, 2024

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Since the launch of the TSSA Client Portal, boilers and pressure vessel (BPV) customers have been submitting Engineering applications through the Portal. TSSA is conducting a webinar to better support the continued submission of BPV applications. 

Date/Time: Tuesday, July 30th, from 11:00 a.m. to noon (EST)

Facilitator: Michelle Williamson, Supervisor, Program Support
Presenters: Rudy Owusu, Coordinator, Program Support
                 : Tanya Francis, Coordinator, Program Support

The webinar will walk attendees through the following:

• The purpose of the personal profile
• When to create an account
• How to link to organizational and client accounts and why it is important (security, proof of relationship, authority to transact on client’s behalf, etc.)
• Who the players are and what they mean: Owner, third-party submitter, organizational account
• How to submit BPV Engineering applications

Pre-register now.