TSSA and the Union Representing Engineers Reach a First Collective Agreement Following a Ratification Vote


Category: TSSA News

Sep 29, 2022


The Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) and the Society, the union that represents TSSA’s engineers, have reached an agreement on a first contract that was ratified by members in a vote held earlier today. This agreement, which benefits both parties, comes after eight months of robust and respectful negotiations.

TSSA respects employees’ right to unionize and bargain. “We look forward to continuing to work with TSSA engineers and all employees as we deliver on our safety mandate and improve public safety in Ontario,” said Bonnie Rose, TSSA’s President and CEO.

Update: OPSEU Inspector Strike

For the latest update on the OPSEU inspector strike, please see TSSA’s September 2 update here: Newsroom - TSSA