Boilers and Pressure Vessels: Insurers to Report Specific Violations Found During Inspections

Industry: Boilers and Pressure Vessels

Category: Regulatory Updates

Mar 17, 2025

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The Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) will require insurers to report specific violations through TSSA’s Boilers and Pressure Vessels Certificate of Inspection (BPV COI) Portal for Insurers beginning April 14, 2025. High-risk violations must be resolved by the device owners before a Certificate of Inspection can be issued.

Why This Matters
This initiative is part of TSSA’s transition to an outcome-based regulatory approach, ensuring the collection of high quality, consistent, and complete data on high-risk non-compliances and incidents.

Currently, compliance data from insurance inspectors is not systematically tracked or analyzed. This new process will enable TSSA to receive, track, and analyze data on high-risk devices that could pose an elevated public safety risk. The collected data will help:
• Improve safety performance tracking
• Identify and understand risk trends and emerging issues
• Strengthen public safety outcomes

Next Steps
TSSA is finalizing a Director’s Order related to this initiative. We are sharing an advanced copy of the Director’s Order with you to ensure it is written clearly. See attached.

Advice on wording can be shared through by March 31, 2025.

Stay tuned for further updates.

This news item was sent to BPV owners, operators, insurers and web subscribers.